Friday 16 January 2015

Make Money Online, Best Product For 2015.

"Here's Your Opportunity To CLONE My Entire Internet Business System Today!"

In Hurry? Read The Script of The Video Below:

Hi, my name is Patric Chan, the best-selling author of WakeUp Millionaire.
During this video, I’m going to share with you how you can generate income from the internet. I know, it’s quite a big claim to make… but you’ll see how easily it can be done at the end of this video because I’ve done it.

Here’s The Story…

You see, I’ve been testing out a “new” way of making money online in the “internet marketing niche” and I’m really pleased to announce that it has been highly profitable. Not only that, it’s currently generating  income on auto-pilot for me.
Here’s exactly what I did, and that you can copy down to a tee:
I’ve written a VALUABLE REPORT about making money from the internet and created a new membership. But instead of selling them to customers, the report is given away for free via a “secret web page” that I’ve created (not available from any of my official websites).
Now, when they become my new subscribers, I’ll continue to send them valuable reports for free, but found in each of the emails sent, there will be a promotion of an affiliate program where I’ll be able to make affiliate commission.
The products promoted are from, mainly because nowadays, Clickbank only approves legitimate products into their affiliate program marketplace. This way, I know I’m promoting only GOOD PRODUCTS and adding value to my subscribers. Secondly, the typical commission percentage for a Clickbank product is around 50%!
Here how the 3 steps look like…
This “simple to follow” model has been very profitable for me but the truth is, it’s unlikely that a newbie can pull this off successfully. Even an intermediate internet marketer  would struggle.
Why? Well…

  • It’s not easy to create a top notch web page that can convert subscribers very well. Also, putting the effort to continue testing it for improvement is tough 
  • It’s not easy to come up with an attractive but free offer that can entice the visitor to subscribe. Our “secret web page” is converting subscribers at almost a 50% conversion rate! 
  • Newbies do not have any proven credibility in the internet marketing niche, therefore, it’s very hard to “command” any attention from visitors and subscribers 
  • Unless the Newbie is in the market long enough, he or she wouldn’t know what products to promote or how to promote them effectively! 
  • Most newbies don’t have the technical software and know-how to get started – domain name, hosting, an auto-responder for emailing and so on. Not to mention, all of these can be quite overwhelming to understand. 
  • Many simply do not have the time to create a membership program and be able to continually add content inside it. Without ongoing content, you’ll lose the subscribers quickly. 
  • They would also need to be true masters of email marketing because the fact is, the money is really made by SENDING CAREFULLY CRAFTED EMAILS. 
  • Despite what the Gurus have been pitching before, it’s not entirely true that there is zero cost to start a solid internet business. There are costs involved… especially with hiring designers, writers, etc! On top of that, hosting and autoresponders are monthly cost. 
  • When a newbie gets started, he or she needs a coach for guidance and advice 
  • But the most complex matter of all is structuring a SYSTEM that can be highly profitable going forward.

But, what if the Newbies can leverage on and use my entire system WITHOUT paying any loyalty or licensing fee?

And, I’ll even train them for FREE!

“In A Nutshell, CLONE My Entire Business System So That It Can Generate Affiliate Commissions For You.”

But before I continue any further, let me share with you a little bit about myself so that you know that I’m real. The fact is, there is a lot of “noise” out there, sometimes, you don’t even know who’s real and who isn’t.
Firstly, I don’t hide behind a computer screen. This is me.
I’ve also spoken to audiences in 11 countries as an internet marketing authority and have authored several books.
One of my latest physical books is Clicking Cash, which is co-authored by Robert G. Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of Multiple Streams of Income, One Minute Millionaire, Cracking The Millionaire Code, Cash In A Flash and many more big hits.

So Here’s How It Works:

I’ve invested in and created a very unique software system that allows you to make money from using my valuable content and promotions. Basically, the software generates a unique link (only available for you to use) where it’ll send them to a “secret web page” to get my highly valuable report for free.
And here’s the most exciting part – after they’ve subscribed, EACH TIME an email is sent to them from the system, it’ll have your affiliate link to the product that’s being promoted so that you can earn affiliate commission from it!
So technically, in essence, every single email that is sent out from CB Passive Income’s system will have the potential to make money for you!
And you don’t need to do any work at all, because I AM WORKING FOR YOU, for free.
It’s like having me create content for you, do all of the marketing for you and continue to think of ways how you can make even MORE money.
I’ll continue to monetize the subscribers for you. And the good news is, you’ve already read my credibility – I’ve been in this business for a decade now and have thousands of customers all around the world.
In short…


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Many thanks for you comments. Good Luck